How to wing it!

Archive for the ‘Serial Killers’ Category

Search every gas station, residence, warehouse, farmhouse, henhouse, outhouse and doghouse

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British electric container freight trainImage via WikipediaFor the first time in my life, I have been held hostage. Sort of. I was returning from bringing back my son and as soon as the train pulled in to the station, they locked all the doors and 3-4 police officers searched the entire train. We – all the innocents – had to wait until they found the guy. It took around 15 minutes, then they walked him right past everyone. Handcuffed. For a second I thought “How weird that they would lock us all up with a crazy, depraved killer..” but it turned out he was neither depraved nor a killer. I think. With my luck he had simply bothered somebody on the train, been too loud or drunk or something like that. When will I ever get to see a real killer? God knows.

It was of course quite exciting for a true crime nerd like myself wink I doubt he was a mass murderer though and they wouldn’t allow me to profile him. Dammit.

Anyway, I was home late. Thirty minutes later than expected. I said goodnight to Kurt and then slept right until 1 PM today!

So what’s happening today? Hopefully some blog updating and some exercise. Churite.

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Written by gnallinge

January 26, 2009 at 1:04 pm